Thursday, March 20, 2008

Parts, Parts, and more Parts...

The weather has not been to good, so I have not been able to work on the Dodge much, but I have ordered a few parts. I ordered:
  • Taillight (Was missing one)
  • Window Rubber Seals for front and rear glass.
  • HEI electronic ignition
  • Battery Tender
  • 1951 YOM Indiana Licence Plate
  • Authentic Handmade Mexican Upholstery

I also contacted my buddy Lance at Showtyme Hot Rod Center and ordered a Painless Wiring Kit and everything I need to re-wire it and convert it from 6v to 12v.

I have also contacted a guy to get the glass installed...hopefully it will happen soon.

I made arrangements to have the exhaust work done.

So, as soon as the glass is in, I will get the exhaust work done. Then, we can do the wiring!


When the weather is nice I try and work on the car a little at a time when I can. I have decided I am going to run it in Red Oxide Primer for the summer. So, I have been sanding and priming a little here and there.

When it all began...March 2nd

He is the beginging. March 2nd, Tabb and I made a trip to Lansing, Michigan to pick up my new car. Above is how it looked when we got there...except alot more snow!!! After a thorough once over and a quick and cold trip around the block we paid the guy and loaded it up. Did I mention I got a damn $115 speeding ticket on the way there...oh yeah, I did.

So we got it unloaded, took it for a spin around the block and sat in the driveway and stared at it for a while.

And after a little clean was it dirty...

Such a kool car, I cant believe its mine, and it is home. I put it to bed for the night....

New Hot Rod!!!

Hello! I decided to create this blog to document the progress on my new Hot Rod. As I work on it and make progress, I will post pics and info. Please fell free to let me know what you think!